The US space agency’s New Horizon’s spacecraft will soon make the most distant flyby of a cosmic object ever, zipping by an object called Ultima Thule — a billion miles (1.6 billion kilometers) beyond Pluto, on January 1 NASA Images
ShowReel 2D and 3D. Cinéma4D, Poser Pro, Final Cut Pro, Adobe : Photoshop – After Effects – Fuse – Première Pro
Videographic on the InSight mission. InSight’s primary goal is to study how the solar system’s rocky planets, including Earth, formed and evolved. The robot is now expected to arrive on Mars on November 26. NASA images
Videographic locating a huge meteorite crater discovered in Greenland. The crater is the first of its kind ever found there — or under any of the Earth’s ice sheets — and is among the 25 largest known on Earth. NASA images
Videographic illustrating the route of the daunting Route du Rhum yacht race. The skippers set off on Sunday.
China’s President Xi Jinping officially opened the world’s longest sea bridge connecting Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China Tuesday. Location in videographic.
Videographic showing a likely route taken by the world’s longest flight, a marathon 19 hours in the air between Singapore and New York.
After liftoff from Kennedy Space Center in Florida on august 11, the Parker Solar Probe will become the first to fly directly into the sun’s atmosphere, known as the corona.
The lunar eclipse of 2018 will be visible on the 27th July in large parts of Australia, Asia, Africa, Europe, and South America. Totality will last for 103 minutes, making it the longest eclipse of the 21st century.
The resumption of commercial fights between Ethiopia and Eritrea on Wednesday marks the latest step in a peace process that in just six weeks has drawn a line under a bitter conflict. The flight in videographics.
The World Football Champions are expected to descend the Champs-Elysées this Monday before being received by the President of the Republic at the Elysée Palace, then spending the evening at the Crillon Hotel. Their parade in the streets of Paris in videographic.
Videographic resconstruction of the Thai cave rescue. All 12 boys and their coach were brought out of the cave on Tuesday.