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Videographic on the InSight mission. InSight’s primary goal is to study how the solar system’s rocky planets, including Earth, formed and evolved. The robot is now expected to arrive on Mars on November 26. NASA images
Videographic locating a huge meteorite crater discovered in Greenland. The crater is the first of its kind ever found there — or under any of the Earth’s ice sheets — and is among the 25 largest known on Earth. NASA images
After liftoff from Kennedy Space Center in Florida on august 11, the Parker Solar Probe will become the first to fly directly into the sun’s atmosphere, known as the corona.
The Grace-FO satellites, set to be launched next week, will monitor how large bodies of water move around the Earth.
Ice hockey – which originated in Canada – is played between 2 teams on an ice rink. The objective is to score goals by propelling a rubber disc known as a puck, with a stick.
Ski Jumping involves hurtling down a 35-37 degree ramp on a pair of specially adapted skis, reaching speeds of around 90 km an hour before taking off.
Freestyle skiing is a spectacular and relatively new discipline. Skiers perform aerial acrobatics while freely gliding down a slope.
Speed skating is the oldest ice sport. Races were organised on icy canals in Holland as far back as the 17th century.
If luge is one of the oldest winter sports, it’s also one of the most dangerous. Competitors lie on their backs, feet forward, racing down the icy slope at around 140 km/hour.
A professional sport since 1995, rugby is extremely physically demanding. Over 20 years, players have transformed, bigger and stronger than before, while the game is faster and more hard-hitting. Videographic about common rugby injuries.
The United States deployed its Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system – known as THAAD – in South Korea in 2017. The billion dollar system is intended to guard against missile threads from the nuclear-armed North.
Virtual and augmented reality gadgets are expected to hog the limelight at Berlin’s mega consumer electronics show IFA this week, as Pokemon Go gave a tantalising preview of the appetite for reality-altering technologies. Videographic explaining virtual reality.