Solo Production
A professional sport since 1995, rugby is extremely physically demanding. Over 20 years, players have transformed, bigger and stronger than before, while the game is faster and more hard-hitting. Videographic about common rugby injuries.
The United States deployed its Terminal High Altitude Area Defense system – known as THAAD – in South Korea in 2017. The billion dollar system is intended to guard against missile threads from the nuclear-armed North.
Virtual and augmented reality gadgets are expected to hog the limelight at Berlin’s mega consumer electronics show IFA this week, as Pokemon Go gave a tantalising preview of the appetite for reality-altering technologies. Videographic explaining virtual reality.
SpaceX chief Elon Musk unveiled on Tuesday ambitious plans to establish a Mars colony by sending 100 humans at a time on massive spacecraft, possibly costing as low as $100,000 per person. A brief history of Mars exploration in videographics.
Football referees play a vital role in the beautiful game, although their decisions can leave them unpopular with both players and spectators.
In Spain, the formation of a left wing coalition is coming up against a proposal put forward by the radicals to organise a referendum on independence for Catalonia. In Spain, France and Denmark, Europe is home to several independence movements.
Carbon monoxide is sometimes referred to as a “silent killer”. Difficult to detect without an alarm, this colourless and odourless gas is both toxic and asphyxiating. In extreme cases it can kill within minutes.
Videographic illustrating the flag of the United Kingdom in the wake of the British referendum to leave the European Union.
Biologists say they have devised a new weapon against malaria by genetically engineering mosquitoes to produce mostly male offspring, with the hope of eventually wiping out the vectors of the killer disease.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whose Islamic-rooted Justice and Development Party (AK Party) has dominated politics for over a decade, present himself as the man leading Turkey’s transformation into a modern country with a European standard of living and infrastructure. Last year he inaugurated the Marmaray tunnel, which for […]
Lightning is a huge spark of electricity. It strikes when an electric current is able to travel through what would normally be an insulating material, in this case the air.